Water pump

Water pump


Splash out on your Dad this Father’s Day

Let your generosity flow with the life-saving gift of a water pump. You’ll help farmers irrigate their land all year round – allowing their crops to flourish and produce healthier harvests. They'll not only grow enough to feed their family but the surplus can be sold at market to earn an income.
Each farming gift comes with the necessary training and tools to help families make the most of your gift.

Eliza says her family’s life has now completely changed! Photo: Chris Gagnon / Concern Worldwide

Gift in action

Thanks to Concern's support, Eliza says her family's lives have completely changed. With access to a pump to irrigate her land, her crop production has increased. Now she produces enough food to feed her growing family, and any surplus can be sold at market, creating a new source of income for her family. This pump has left her feeling flush! 

This charity gift goes towards our Livelihoods programme. Find out where your money goes.

Water pump


Water pump
