Seven guilt-free charity Christmas gifts that keep on giving


Mehamed Ahimed Ali (15) shows some of the potatoes from his family's successful harvest thanks to Concern. Photo: Jennifer Nolan / Ethiopia / 2017.

Having a more sustainable Christmas is something we all can aspire to this year, but there are some parts to it that are easier than others. Scrapping the wrapping paper? No problem! Losing the crackers? Done in a flash! But what about the presents? Ethical gifts can be hard to come by. Thankfully, we have the perfect charity Christmas gifts that fill a stocking without adding to the landfill too, and which help transform the lives of some of the world’s poorest people.

You can check the full list of our alternative gifts on our homepage.

  1. Eco stove

    These clever contraptions can cook all types of food quickly and hygienically, boil water to clear bacteria and burn wood more efficiently and environmentally friendly than traditional stoves typically made out of clay. This means that families don't use up their wood store so quickly and these stoves can help to preserve forests. And, this ethical gift will save you from having to cook up anymore present ideas!
    Abamoltho cooks for her five children using her Eco stove in a refugee camp. Photo: Jennifer Nolan


    Donate an Eco stove today.

  2. Solar light

    In some of the countries that we work in, the sun sets at 6pm every single day of the year. Without a source of light, it is hard to be productive in the evenings (imagine your kids trying to do their homework in the dark!) and families can feel unsafe. Our solar lamps not only help families work and study in the evenings, but also provide safety and security in the late hours – all the while remaining environmentally friendly. We believe charity Christmas gifts should bring light to people’s lives – and this one does just that.

    Alphonsine with the solar lighting she bought thanks to Concern's help. Photo: Abbie Trayler-Smith

    Find out how to give a Solar light.

  3. Avocado trees

    Avocados are far more than just fashionable toast toppers; they're packed with almost 20 essential nutrients including fibre, potassium and folic acid. They also act as a nutrient booster, enabling the body to absorb more nutrients. This makes them particularly valuable to people living in some of the world’s poorest places where it can be difficult to get the nutrients you need to live a healthy life.

    Your gift can provide eight avocado trees, which will produce 200 - 300 avocados per year. If that’s not one of the best charity Christmas gifts, we don’t know what is.

    Esperence and her daughter collect avocados from their garden plot in Burundi. Photo: Chris de Bode

    Find out how to donate Avocado trees.

  4. Home garden

    Families with scarce food resources repeatedly eat the same simple meals in order to fill themselves up. But often these meals don’t provide the nutrients that are especially important for growing children. Concern provides the seeds and training needed for families to grow their own kitchen garden at home. This means they can produce nutritious vegetables like spinach and tomatoes that can be added to children’s meals, giving them a healthy source of food all year round.

    These gardens are carefully designed to trap moisture in harsh weather conditions. They also have a centre basket to which organic waste can be added to enrich the soil, making it a truly sustainable way of growing food - and a sustainable gift! Plant-tastic.

    Euphemia waters her home garden in Mabayi, Cibitoke. Photo: Abbie Trayler-Smith

    Donate a Home garden today.

  5. Irish potatoes

    Potatoes may have been the first vegetable grown in space but in remote parts of Ethiopia, the effects of this staple food are truly out of this world. The Irish tater has been introduced by Concern to South Wollo, Ethiopia, in order to expand livelihood options for farmers in highland areas. This incredibly versatile crop is now being grown by 5,000 families.

    This crop is great for nutrition as well as income generation, food for the family and seed purposes. And, because you don’t need very much land to grow loads of them, these vegetables are truly improving the lives of many , making it one very aPEELing charity Christmas gift.

    Concern-supported farmer Ahimed Ali Mahamed happily shows off potato crop produce.

    Find out how to donate Irish potatoes.

  6. Honey bees (we’re literally buzzing about this animal charity gift)

    You may have heard our lovely furry friends are facing extinction. This is hard to bee-lieve, considering 70% of our crops worldwide are pollinated by them.

    Now more than ever is the time to invest in a beehive. By supporting our bee programme in Ethiopia, not only are you providing a family without land with an income, security and delicious honey, you're also helping to save our planet's amazing pollinators.

    Assen Shek Oumed is part of the bee-keeping programme supported by Concern. Photo: Jennifer Nolan

    Give Honey bees today.

  7. Eco Bundle

    This gift is perfect if you just can’t decide which of our eco-gifts to choose for that climate conscious, green queen in your life this Christmas as it contains our two most environmentally friendly gifts - an eco-stove and honey bees. They will improve a family's living conditions, comfort and income all the while saving the planet. What a Bee-autiful charity Christmas gift!

    Find out how to donate an Eco bundle today.

Head to our homepage to view all our charity Christmas gifts!


For more information about how gifts work, please visit this page.